Standardized Testing
PSAT (Preliminary SAT)
The PSAT is a standardized test to prepare students for the SAT. It is offered in October to all 11th grade students.
The PSAT is a standardized test to prepare students for the SAT. It is offered in October to all 11th grade students.
The SAT is a standardized test used to measure skills in critical reading, mathematics, and writing, and it is used for college admission purposes. For more information on the SAT and practice problems visit Collegeboard.
The SAT is a standardized test used to measure skills in critical reading, mathematics, and writing, and it is used for college admission purposes. For more information on the SAT and practice problems visit Collegeboard.
The ACT is a standardized test used to measure skills in English, Reading, Math and Science, as well as an optional 40-minute writing test. Some schools may require the writing test.
Score Choice
The College Board has made score choice an option. Students can chose which sets of test scores they want to report, however many colleges and universities have a policy that requires students to submit all scores. Please consult each college’s website to learn their requirements.
Khan Academy
The College Board has contracted with Khan Academy for free, on-line test prep. We highly recommend using this resource.